Article 1: Agreement
1.1 This agreement contains the general terms and conditions that apply to the information and services offered by Techzine, a website offered and hosted by Dolphin Publications. The user (visitor, customer, partner or supplier) of the website and of any services offered, is deemed to have read and agreed to these terms and conditions.
1.2 Dolphin Publications reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. If changes occur within these terms and conditions, this will be announced on the website, and the amended terms and conditions will automatically apply to every user.
1.3 The general terms and conditions of Dolphin Publications, with COC number 51689324, apply to every agreement between a user and Dolphin Publications for the entire duration of this agreement.
1.4 In case of a major change of these terms and conditions, Dolphin Publications will notify the user by e-mail, if known.
Article 2: Liability
2.1 Dolphin Publications is not responsible for inaccuracies or shortcomings, or any other defect in the data or information published on the website. This applies to the data or information published by Dolphin Publications, or an employee of Techzine, as well as to possible contributions by users.
2.2 Dolphin Publications offers the website as it is at that moment. For this purpose, very advanced techniques are used. Dolphin Publications is not liable for any failure or malfunction of the website.
2.3 The website contains various links to websites of third parties. There is no control of the information or policies offered by these websites. Dolphin Publications is therefore not responsible for information or data on websites of third parties. This does not mean that Dolphin Publications approves the opinion / information / data of a third party in any way or has any association with it.
2.4 Possible shortcomings in the information or data of Techzine do not give the right to any form of financial compensation. Dolphin Publications is not liable to users or third parties for any direct, indirect or incidental damages, lost profits, consequential damages or for damages caused by negligence or forgetfulness in providing, compiling, editing, writing and interpreting information.
2.5 The information and data on the website are subject to change with high frequency. Dolphin Publications reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes to the website at any time.
Article 3: Intellectual property and copyright
3.1 The user explicitly acknowledges that the intellectual property rights on the website and the data published there (texts, photos, images, layout) are and remain in the hands of Dolphin Publications.
3.2 It is forbidden for a user, or a third party, to publish or reproduce any information published on the website without prior written permission of Dolphin Publications. This information may not be reproduced, published, sold or distributed in any other form, other than through Techzine.
Article 4: Privacy policy
4.1 Dolphin Publications respects the data and privacy of its users. Dolphin Publications has drawn up a separate privacy statement that is part of this agreement. In short, it means that we only use personal data to provide an optimal website and experience. If there is a question of sharing personal data with an external party, the user must explicitly give permission for this. Some exceptions to this are the Tax and Customs Administration, if there is a commercial agreement or if we are legally obliged to do so. We are a Dutch company and follow Dutch law.
4.2 During a visit to the website, we may store information on the user’s computer in the form of a browser cookie. A cookie is a very small file in which basic information is stored. A cookie can be used to check when the user has visited Techzine before, and whether the user has certain preferences on our website. The link allows you to manage your cookies on Techzine. For a complete overview of all cookies, please refer to the privacy statement.
Article 5: Unforeseen situations
5.1 If a situation occurs that is not provided for in the Terms and Conditions or Privacy Statement, Dolphin Publications can be contacted via Dolphin Publications will then respond to this message, and that response will be binding.