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Executives and employees differ regarding the deployment of AI in the workplace.

While executives and employees agree that AI offers exciting opportunities for businesses, there are significant differences of opinion, particularly about confidence in the responsible deployment of this technology, according to research from Workday. About 62 per cent of executives view the deployment of AI in the workplace as positive, while employees, at 52 per cent, are significantly more sceptical.

The researchers note that a “trust gap” exists between executives and employees, especially about confidence in the responsible implementation of AI in the workplace. For example, 62 per cent of executives say they trust their company to implement AI responsibly and reliably, compared with 55 per cent of employees.

Een staafdiagram dat het percentage leiders en medewerkers weergeeft.

Both executives and employees have little confidence in companies’ implementation of AI. Only 21 per cent of executives believe their companies put employees’ interests above their own when implementing AI, while this percentage is slightly higher among employees, at 23 per cent.

More human engagement

Both executives and employees seek more human involvement in AI processes, but according to Workday researchers, both groups are unsure how best to achieve this.

The survey shows that 70 per cent of executives agree that AI should be developed so that human assessment and intervention are easily possible. On the other hand, 42 per cent of employees surveyed indicated that their company does not clearly understand which systems should be fully automated and which require human intervention.

AI regulation understudied

Despite its recognized importance, AI regulation falls short. Of the executives surveyed, 42 per cent believe that organizational frameworks and regulations are essential to developing reliable AI solutions, compared with 36 per cent of employees.

Despite this, three-quarters of the employees surveyed report that their company does not contribute to AI regulation. Moreover, four in five employees report that their employers have not yet shared guidelines on responsible AI use.

Tip: Workday opts for business-safe AI: transparent and users have full control