Rally Anywhere is on-prem version of Broadcom’s well-known EAP

Rally Anywhere is on-prem version of Broadcom’s well-known EAP

With Rally Anywhere, Broadcom is bringing its enterprise agility platform to customers whose workloads must remain on-premises. Whereas the ‘regular’ version of Rally is a SaaS application, this homebody edition should meet the need—and sometimes the necessity—of enterprises that like to keep their data close to them while operating globally.

Rally Anywhere is designed to meet the very specific needs of companies for whom data sovereignty and security are essential while dealing with different types of laws and regulations. This without compromising on the capabilities that Rally already offers in the cloud: setting up agile workflows, measuring results against goals, comprehensive risk management, and plenty of opportunities to hook up third-party tools.

Global compliance

Broadcom announced the on-premises variant of its enterprise agility platform at VMware Explore in Las Vegas. This version promises to enable globally dispersed teams to efficiently plan and prioritize work, manage workloads and measure results, especially when companies operate in multiple regions. Rally Anywhere allows teams to collaborate globally while remaining compliant with local laws and regulations that apply in each of the individual regions.

At the same time, it provides a physical boundary that shields sensitive data from the outside world. The need for companies in the AI era to keep some of the valuable proprietary data for AI training within the walls will certainly play a role.

With the advent of Rally Anywhere, the complete ValueOps Value Stream Management (VSM) solution is now available as an on-premises product, in addition to the SaaS version, which remains available.

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