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Devoteam lists ‘cloud native’ as key concept for businesses in 2023

Devoteam lists ‘cloud native’ as key concept for businesses in 2023

Devoteam touts cloud native as a key concept for the business transformation currently underway. The TechRadar guide to 2023 shows that the IT landscape is changing rapidly.

Devoteam notes that almost all of the technologies it characterizes as “groundbreaking” are occurring on the cloud. According to the firm, the rise of the cloud native phenomenon is driving productivity, time-to-market and expansion of successful applications. Nearly half of the 150 technologies surveyed were not featured in a previous TechRadar guide.


While Devoteam emphasizes innovation in its 2023 guide, it also illuminates the challenges facing business. The energy transition, disruption of supply chains and a shortage of tech-savvy workers are forcing companies to be digitally resilient and resilient.

Devoteam is mapping these issues to ensure that companies have an overview of the changes they may need to respond to over time. About 100 people contributed to the report. CTO Jan van Halem notes that this transformation to the cloud is not simply about moving applications to the cloud. “It’s no longer just about applications being in the cloud, but about how cloud is changing the way we work and how we can get the most value from cloud technologies.”

Also read: PwC report: cloud migration is up, full potential not reached yet