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Internal Microsoft tool enables hidden Windows 11 features

Internal Microsoft tool enables hidden Windows 11 features

An internal Microsoft tool can enable hidden and unannounced features in preview builds of Windows 11.

A link to StagingTool was spotted in a recent “bug bash quest” in Microsoft’s Feedback Hub, writes Windows Central. The internal tool allows Microsoft developers and other testers to test new features in Windows 11 as they are built. StagingTool is said to be similar to tooling from other vendors, such as ViveTool and Mach2.

In addition, the tool gives capabilities to “override” A/B testing to access functionality, whether the features are officially available or not.

Feature IDs

The tool uses a command line where ‘feature IDs’ can be used to turn certain functionality on and off. By now, several of those feature IDs are reportedly already being shared and added via GitHub.

The link to the tool has since been removed, but it is widely shared.

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