2 min Applications

Pure Storage acquires PortWorx to accelerate cloud-native growth

Pure Storage acquires PortWorx to accelerate cloud-native growth

Pure Storage is looking to expand its operations into the growing cloud-native and Kubernetes-based storage market. As a result, they have announced that they are acquiring Portworx, a data services platform. The company announced that it is paying $370 million in cash for the deal.

Portworx offers a Kubernetes Data Services Platform, dealing with persistent storage, data protection, security, high availability, and cloud mobility for cloud-hosted software containers. With this Data Services Platform, Pure Storage hopes to strengthen its portfolio. It is paying 370 million dollars for Portworx, it hopes to finalise the take-over by the end of the month.

Pure Storage is one of the leading providers of data storage services. They made a name for themselves for their range of flash memory-based hardware and software offerings.

A similarity in philosophy

This is the largest acquisition Pure Storage has ever gone for. They hope that the expansion will enable them to get into the multi-cloud data services space to offer services like supporting containers and Kubernetes.

The Chairman and CEO of Pure Storage, Charles Giancarlo, said that they saw at Portworx a philosophy similar to that of Pure Storage. They are building a cloud everywhere and make it look the same, regardless of whether it is a private data center or public cloud.

Bringing the two together, he hopes that they can create a consistent environment for their customers.

More future in containers

Pure Storage is looking forward to a rise in demand for cloud-native storage devices, citing Gartner’s prediction that 85% of global businesses will be running containers in the cloud by 2025.

The problem with traditional storage is that it is not suited to the containers model used for apps. They do not possess capabilities like mobility, security, data resiliency, and backup required by the apps. This move boosts Pure Storage forward, accelerating its plans for the future.