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Canonical’s Juju adds charms to Kubernetes Operators

Canonical’s Juju adds charms to Kubernetes Operators

Juju brings DevOps best practices to the Kubernetes platform.

Kubernetes is an industry-leading container-orchestration program. However, using Kubernetes properly requires a great deal of skill and the right tools to manage software on its clusters properly.

What are Kubernetes Operators?

Kubernetes Operators are available to help developers master the platform. These operators are methods of packaging, deploying, and managing a Kubernetes application.

Developers manage Kubernetes applications using the Kubernetes application programming interfaces (API) and kubectl tooling. 

An ‘operator’ in Kubernetes is a trusted container which drives other containers, according to Canonical. This helps to simplify the work of administration for you. Instead of handcrafting all the YAML for container operations of the workload, the operator generates the necessary K8s commands to cover the app lifecycle.

Since the operator is software it can encode best practices and it never :tires”. The operator is available 24/7 to react to problems, and it can do the tedious work of getting all the low-level details right.

An operator also manages the lifecycle of an application. The operator replaces custom hand-crafted institutional ops code with shared, standardized ops code packages. By so doing, an operator eliminates duplication of effort between organizations. This also helps companies by providing a shared operations codebase.

Administrators control operators through the operator lifecycle manager which handles role-based access controls, audit, logging, leadership election, message distribution, event serialization, operator status, updates, upgrades, integration and configuration.

About Juju

Juju is a cloud DevOps tool. However, it is different from DevOps programs such as AnsiblePuppet, Chef, or Salt. Those programs automate server configuration by setting up virtual machines (VM) in which each instance runs an identical software configuration. Juju works at a higher level and uses something called “charms” to manage services, not machines.

Canonical’s Juju charms are sharable, reusable, and repeatable expressions of DevOps best practices. 

Canonical’s Juju-based Charm Open Operator Collection is the largest collection of application operators available. It supports Kubernetes, cloud-native, and traditional applications on Windows and Linux.

The collection is hosted at Charmhub.io.