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Linux 5.13 hits rc5, Linus Torvalds mildly concerned

Linux 5.13 hits rc5, Linus Torvalds mildly concerned

The fifth Linux Kernel version 5.13 has just been released, and Linus Torvalds believes that the release will start shrinking soon

Linus Torvalds has been slightly concerned about how the releases have not calmed down yet. The rc5 is of average size, so he hopes that the releases will be shrinking from here on out.

The progress of Linux 5.13

Since the fifth candidate for the Linux 5.13 has been released, Linus Torvalds has expressed some mild concerns regarding the progress even though rc5 is relatively average in size. He did state, however, how he has not yet found anything worrying him during the releases.

During rc1, Torvald stated that people could expect “A big merge window, but things seem to have proceeded fairly smoothly.” Torvald also added that this assessment could end up being his “Famous last words.”

Rc2 came along, during which things seemed to be going along fine. Then when rc3 came, Torvald was surprised at how small the release was. He believes that “…things look pretty normal,” and he is nonetheless quite surprised at the small size of the weekly release.

Torvalds expressed that it is not the most significant release candidate four has ever had but is up there and running. He did not seem to be worried because of the stability of release candidates two and three.

Since this week, he has announced that he hopes the releases will now be shrinking; it may mean that he will be sticking to his routine of a maximum of eight release candidates. He also stated that nothing is exhilarating about the rc5 stage.

It may take a little bit of time before the Linux version 5.13 officially releases. Still, there are several great features, including Apple M1 silicon support, Microsoft Surface devices support, 64-bit ARM Hyper-V guest support, etc.