Everything there is to find on tag: Linus Torvalds.
Linux kernel v5.14 is ready and features the most commits in a long time
Version 5.14 of the Linux kernel is on its way and may debut next week, after going through a rather uneventf...
Everything there is to find on tag: Linus Torvalds.
Version 5.14 of the Linux kernel is on its way and may debut next week, after going through a rather uneventf...
The fifth Linux Kernel version 5.13 has just been released, and Linus Torvalds believes that the release will...
Linus Torvalds announced the launch of Linux 5.12. He said the update is small but was careful to mention tha...
The godfather of Linux delivers a Valentine's Day gift to Linux users everywhere. Linus Torvalds has deliv...
Intel's market segmentation has made ECC available for servers but not PCs. This week, Linux kernel creato...
Driver updates and additional processor support have been added. Linus Torvalds just announced the release...
The developer of the open-source operating system Linux, Linus Torvalds, believes that the standard scope of ...
Linux founder Linus Torvalds has announced the availability of Linux 5.0. Despite the leap in version number, ...
Linux 5.0 is on its way, says maker Linus Torvalds. But according to him, there's not much to be excited about...
Linus Torvalds decided a few weeks ago to reconsider his role in the Linux community. Today, however, he appea...