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Anthropic presents the latest generation of Claude. With the model, Anthropic is trying to reach the enterprise market. This is heard again with the presentation of version 2.1, which would deliver improvements in key capabilities for enterprises.

“Claude 2.1 delivers improvements in key enterprise capabilities, including an industry-leading 200K token context window, significant reductions in the number of model hallucinations, system prompts and our new beta feature: tool usage,” Anthropic writes in the announcement about the latest version of its large language model (LLM).

More relevant answers

By doubling the context window compared to previous models, it allows the chatbot controlled by Claude to ask longer questions. Being able to provide more detail should also make the answer more relevant to the user. Moreover, it makes Claude more suitable for summarizing documents.

In addition, the developers improved the correctness of the answers. The company speaks of a 30 percent reduction.

Better tailored to needs

System prompts allow a company to deploy Claude with the desired tone of voice. This is like limiting Claude’s ability by imparting specific instructions or context to the model, which limits the chatbot’s ability to respond.

Finally, the beta feature tool usage allows users to “integrate Claude into existing processes, products and APIs.” The feature allows private company data to be attached to the model, which the powered chatbot can extract and include in the response.

Anthropic’s enhancements put another spotlight on the company’s commitment to building AI tools for business users. With the investments from Amazon and Google, this vision can continue to take shape.

Also read: Amazon invests $4 billion in Anthropic for better AI proposition