Google has given the login pages for its services a new, fresher and more modern look and feel. The update should bring the pages more aligned with those of other Google products.
Google is introducing a new look and feel for the login pages of all its services. This is the first major change to these pages since 2015, when entering the password on a second page after entering the username was introduced.
The change is permanent and applies to web-based and mobile environments.
According to Google, the update is only a visual improvement and does not affect the functionality of its login pages.
In line with Material Design
The upgrade should make the login pages look more modern and aligned with the “Material Design” visible in other products.
The Material Design structure introduced in 2024 aligns the page to the left rather than centrally. In addition, this structure allows the page to adjust to the screen size automatically, wider on a PC and narrower on a smartphone.
The new look and feel will launch between Feb. 21 and March 4. After the latter date, all normal Google users and those on Google Workspace will see the new version of the login screen.
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