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Box expands its integration with Google Cloud services

Box expands its integration with Google Cloud services

Box recently announced that it is strengthening its partnership with Google. The integration includes a partnership with G Suite and Google Cloud services. The company will be integrating machine learning and storing its data in the vast Google Cloud platform with its Box Skills software framework.

Box Skills was launched in 2018 as a software framework to enable users to perform tasks on audio, image, video, and other files via machine learning technologies.

Box is also looking to improve its single sign-on service for its users with the help of Google Authenticator. This will enable customers to log into their private accounts using one-time passwords easily without having to go into multiple authentication steps.

Seamless interaction

To enhance its data processing, Box will be giving access to Document Artificial Intelligence service provided by Google through Box Skills. There will be new features born out of the integration between Box and G Suite.

These include access settings and privacy controls. Additionally, there will be a smoother transfer of Google Documents, Slides, and Sheets between Google Drive and Box. Users will also be able to create a document in G Suite and save it automatically in Box.

Innovation and scaling

Back in 2016, Box first partnered with Google, enabling users to perform simple tasks such as editing G Suite files while in Box’s jurisdiction. Since then, the relationship has been expanded to a point where Box users can download and attach files on Box’s interface without leaving the email service from Google.

Aaron Levie, Chief Executive Officer of Box, pointed out the importance of Partnering with Google Cloud to innovate and scale to offer secure collaboration to its customers. Lastly, Box also announced that by the end of the year, its customers would be receiving the new integration features from G Suite with the charges remaining constant.