Oracle Launches Multi-VM Autonomous Database in Exadata Cloud@Customer

Oracle Launches Multi-VM Autonomous Database in Exadata Cloud@Customer

The latest Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer update allows autonomous- and non-autonomous database depoyments on the same infrastructure. Customers freely choose the optimal database for each deployment.

Oracle Exadata combines software and hardware in a single solution for database provisioning and management.

The platform is available in three forms: on-premises, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (cloud) and Cloud@Customer. Cloud@Customer was designed for customers in EMEA. The region has more than 120 countries, each with its own laws and regulations. Oracle tunes Cloud@Customer to meet national requirements.

Today, Oracle announced an update for Cloud@Customer: Multiple-VM Autonomous Database. Customers can deploy autonomous databases on the same infrastructure as non-autonomous databases.

Why should you?

Autonomous databases are equipped with automatic provisioning, patching and configuration for various data types and workloads. Automation is driven by CPUs. Hence, the initial investment can be higher than non-autonomous databases, wherein most of the work is manual.

The database services of nearly every cloud provider force you to choose between autonomous and non-autonomous. It’s rarely possible to deploy both database forms through a single license and infrastructure.

In this regard, Oracle is ahead of the pack. The introduction of Multiple-VM Autonomous Database allows you to choose the optimal database for each deployment, without purchasing multiple licenses or managing multiple systems. Non-autonomous databases can be changed to autonomous databases at any time.

Starting today, Multiple-VM Autonomous Databases are available for Exadata Cloud@Customer via the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console and APIs.

Tip: Oracle’s cloud journey — from Gen 2 to Gen O