Companies need to give developers more time to take certifications and training to keep up with rapidly changing technology. They should also make more funding available for this purpose, concludes research by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).
According to the survey by the cloud technology advocacy and standards organization, (cloud) technology is changing at lightning speed, and developers must constantly keep certifying, training and developing new skills. It is therefore important for companies to have a well-trained workforce.
Certification and training help
The survey shows that most developers benefit from certifications and training to improve their skills. A clear majority (86 percent) of developers surveyed indicated that they improved their technical skills through certifications and training. Just over three-quarters indicated that certifications and training also improved their job confidence.
Just over half indicate that certifications and training helped them get a new job. More than 65 percent indicate that certifications and training helped them get more enjoyment from their work.
Barriers though
However, a majority of respondents indicated that it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with all the technological developments. The companies they are working for would, however not see this need and are hindering developers from taking certifications and training. This has consequences in the long run, such as a lack of well-trained employees.
Just over half of the respondents indicated that their companies do not give enough time for developers to be able to work on certifications and training. The same percentage also indicates that companies do not want to pay for them.
For example, a large majority indicate that they have not achieved certifications in the past two years due to a lack of money. In addition, 43 percent indicated that too little time was a reason for not being able to obtain certifications. Money and time are also the most frequently stated barriers to attending training courses.
Developers, therefore, ask companies to set aside more time to attend training sessions and take over the cost of their certification and training more often.
Also read: Three-quarters of developers haven’t warmed to AI code assistants (yet)