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GitLab version 12.5 has been released. With the new version, the multi-cloud strategy of the platform will be extended. For example, with the new version, paying customers get an Environments Dashboard, a general overview of their projects and environments. There will also be support for Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Amazon’s managed Kubernetes platform.

The Environments Dashboard allows users to view up to seven projects and three environments. In this way, users need to gain more insight into possible problems or bottlenecks in their software. This feature is only available to premium/silver and ultimate/gold customers.

Support for Kubernetes clusters

As of GitLab 12.5, when setting up a Kubernetes cluster, users with an AWS account can choose Elastic Kubernetes Service via the GitLab cluster page. This can then be implemented in Amazon’s cloud. For this version, Google’s GKE was the only major Kubernetes offering in the cloud that was officially supported by GitLab.

More integrations for different providers will probably follow. This is meant to help customers create a multi-cloud approach. To smoothen the management of applications and resources, the Crossplane control panel is now available as a GitLab Managed App.

Writing software more easily

In addition, GitLab Container Registry should now work better due to a number of changes in the Docker Registry. Also, GitLab now has an integration with Sourcegraph, which makes it easier to navigate in code while writing software. In addition, custom artifacts can now be displayed in the merge request widget.

The new version also gives users the possibility to link certain milestones to a new software release. Issues and merge requests associated with a milestone are displayed on the release page, so that users know what has changed since the previous version. Gold/ultimate customers can also render Grafana metrics directly into issues, so no screenshots need to be shared.