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Google has released AppSheet Automation. The software allows users to automate certain business processes without having to learn to program.

AppSheet Automation should help companies reduce their IT backlogs and give employees more time to focus on work that matters. Time-consuming and mind-numbing manual tasks can be taken over by a computer. Google conducted a survey of early adopters of AppSheet Automation. Of these, 64 percent said that using the tools helped them focus on important work.

Automatic processing of forms

An example of a task that can be automated by AppSheet Automation is entering data from paper invoices. The Intelligent Document Processing feature of AppSheet Automation can automatically read unstructured data such as invoices, receipts and tax forms. To do this, the tool uses Google Cloud’s Document AI.

Success at Globe Telecom

Several companies have already started using AppSheet Automation. One of these is Philippine telecom company Globe Telecom. That company is said to have already used the tooling to build more than 50 applications in 8 weeks.

“We’ve always been on the lookout for grassroots innovations among our employees at Globe. It is something that we’re very keen on cultivating for our people. AppSheet gave us this flexibility – the perfect tool to mine these innovative minds. It allows us to quickly execute and transform how business is done and improve how we serve our customers,” said Carlo Malana, CEO at Globe.

Generally available after six months

Google announced AppSheet Automation last September. It is part of the Business Application Platform. That platform includes various tools for no-code application development, API management, process automation and business analytics. Interested users can visit the Google website.

Tip: Google discontinues low-code service App Maker