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Lens now provides access to managed Kubernetes development clusters to simplify cloud-native nevelopment

This week Mirantis announced the latest tech preview update to Lens, its integrated development environment (IDE) program. The IDE gives users easy access to a managed Kubernetes development cluster.

Managed dev clusters are available directly from the Lens Desktop application through the Lens Spaces cloud service. Users can now access a development cluster optimized for software development needs.

They can do this directly from the Lens Desktop application (available for Linux, macOS, and Windows users) via the integrated Lens Spaces cloud-based service. This means you can directly access a development cluster optimized for your software development needs.

“With over 500,000 Lens users, the developer clusters feature is now fully implemented with Lens 5.4,” said Miska Kaipiainen, vice president of engineering, Mirantis. “It’s possible some corner cases may need ironing and some scaling issues may present themselves, hence the label ‘tech preview.’ Expect to see many improvements to this functionality over the coming months.”

The latest Lens update makes Kubernetes more accessible to everyone,. It gives cloud native developers and others access to a managed development cluster tailored for software development needs. This new update makes Lens into more than just an IDE, the company says. It also makes the program a Kubernetes platform for developers.

Here’s what’s new to IDE Lens

These are the highlights of the new Lens IDE, according to Mirantis:

  • Offload Local Cluster – users can transition Kubernetes development work to the cloud and access it from Lens Spaces.
  • Save Resources – users can ensure their operating system resources are highly available and accessible for more important projects.
  • Intelligent Auto-Shutdown – Managed development clusters will detect inactivity and auto-shutdown to avoid extra costs, reducing large public cloud provider bills.
  • Standardized Setup – Teams can be onboarded quickly; plus applications are created in a standardized Kubernetes development environment ensuring transferability to a production environment.

The Lens update is open source software and available now.