UK to replace GDPR with Data Reform Bill, promises billion pounds in savings

UK to replace GDPR with Data Reform Bill, promises billion pounds in savings

The specifics of the UK government’s highly expected plan to replace the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have been revealed.

According to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, the EU’s GDPR prevents businesses from utilizing data as flexibly as possible (DCMS). The UK’s government says its own Data Reform Bill eliminates red tape and useless paperwork, while also lowering the bar for personal data to be utilized in scientific research.

Relaxing the rules around data privacy

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) will be reorganized as part of this package. DCMS Secretary Nadine Dorries said the move represents a critical step in securing Britain’s place as a scientific and technological superpower post-Brexit.

She claimed that the new Data Reform Bill makes it easy for businesses and researchers to use data to boost the economy and better society while maintaining data safety.

Dorries promised that individuals have sovereignty over their personal data outside of the EU while preventing companies, researchers, and civil society from being hindered by a lack of clarity and what is seen as burdensome EU regulation.

Corporate needs or privacy rights?

It’s hard to hear that the government is about to make it easier for businesses and researchers to obtain personal data without immediately thinking that it is only a matter of time before rights are trampled by companies that see fines as a cost of doing business.

But then again, Brexit was bound to see changes in policies to diverge from the EU’s goals and plans. The UK paints the GDPR as an inflexible, red-tape-laden set of regulations to make way for the new bill, which seems to lean towards ingratiating Britain to businesses and researchers.