Apple has decided that it will no longer block important bug fixes for already published applications. It changes its app review and feedback process after discussions about the guidelines. Also, developers can now submit suggestions for changing the guidelines.
With the change, the tech giant now makes a clearer distinction in its app review and feedback process between bug fixes and feature updates. Solutions for the guideline discussions can now be implemented by developers in a next version, after both parties have reached an agreement. Until now, the implementation of the bug fixes was also blocked until these guideline discussions had ended.
Apple vs Basecamp
An example of such an issue for app developers, where it seems that developers are being punished for discussing Apple’s app guidelines, is the recent commotion surrounding the discussion between Apple and developer Basecamp. Basecamp released the email application Hey, but accused Apple of blocking an important bug fix update. This because of a discussion about the way the Hey app handles in-app purchases. In short, a dispute that had nothing to do with the bug fix.
The discussion with Basecamp and the blocking of the bug-fix update resulted in a lot of bad publicity for Apple, which the tech giant has now apparently decided to change the policy.
Possibilities for suggestions
In addition to allowing bug fixes during guideline discussions, Apple now allows you to submit suggestions for changing the guidelines. For this purpose, the form has been modified. With all these improvements, the tech giant’s ultimate goal is to constantly improve the user experience of the App Store and Apple’s development platform for developers.