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Version 87 of Firefox will show search results from the ‘Find in page’ feature on the scroll bar. The feature is currently being tested in the Nightly version of the browser.

Firefox developer Sören Hentzschel announced the new feature in a blog post. It is an extension of the find feature that appears when you press Ctrl + F (or Cmd + F on macOS) on your keyboard. The function highlights all instances of the searched term. The user can then scroll through the various results.

From version 87 onwards, the results are also marked with a line in the scroll bar. By default, this line is the same colour as the colour by which the search results are marked. This colour can be changed by altering the string ui.textHighlightBackground in about:config. Currently, this changes the colour of both the highlighted words and the lines on the search bar, but Hentzschel wants to make this a separate option in the future.

Version 87 of Mozilla Firefox will be available from 23 March 2021. Users who want to try out the feature can already do so on Firefox Nightly. This version is updated every day with the latest additions from the Firefox development team. However, the Nightly version of Firefox is also less stable.

New design in the works

In the slightly more distant future, Mozilla has major changes planned for Firefox. The open-source organisation wants to completely overhaul the design of the browser, following a new design language that the organisation has dubbed Proton. In this version, the browser will get a new look, and the tabs, menus and toolbars will be arranged differently. No images of this new version have been leaked yet, but according to rumours, the Proton update is planned for version 89 of Firefox. That version should be released in May 2021.

Tip: Firefox 83 comes with an ‘HTTPS-Only-Mode’ loading only HTTPS sites