Everything there is to find on tag: Mozilla.
Mozilla removes telemetry service Adjust from mobile Firefox versions
Mozilla will soon remove its telemetry service Adjust from the Android and iOS versions of browsers Firefox a...
Everything there is to find on tag: Mozilla.
Mozilla will soon remove its telemetry service Adjust from the Android and iOS versions of browsers Firefox a...
Mozilla has now integrated its popular website testing tool HTTP Observatory into its Web developer platform,...
Speedometer, a benchmarking tool browsers, has been updated to version 3.0. Remarkably, the companies behind ...
The AI industry still appears to have great difficulty flagging artificially generated content. That's accord...
Mozilla says it has been working for years to create equal opportunities with other platforms and OS provider...
EU lawmakers voted the past week on a second version of the European Digital Identity Regulation. It includes...
The screens that allow consumers to determine their default browser choice exert great influence on the outco...
Cars are now crammed with sensors, software and silicon chips. Its manufacturers feast on their findings, as ...
France is currently preparing a law that would allow harmful content to be blocked directly by the underlying...
Last week, Mozilla announced a new AI tool for its own Mozilla Developer Network (MDN). AI Help is intended t...