Everything there is to find on tag: copyright.
Copyright lawsuit against GitHub, Microsoft and OpenAI continues
GitHub, Microsoft and OpenAI will have to defend their usage of third-party programming code in a U.S. court....
Everything there is to find on tag: copyright.
GitHub, Microsoft and OpenAI will have to defend their usage of third-party programming code in a U.S. court....
GitHub's Copilot has been sued for widespread software piracy in a major lawsuit. The AI tool allegedly viola...
Google has released a tool that allows users to remove personal data from search engine results. It's a signi...
Splunk has taken its competitor Cribl to court over the illegal use of its source code and other technical se...
GitHub has issued a warning for users who upload copies of YouTube-dl's source code to the platform. After th...
OpenAI introduces JukeBox, an open source AI for creating new music including lyrics and vocals. The Jukeb...
The European Parliament has approved a new and controversial directive on copyright. The latter places the res...
Negotiations on the controversial EU Copyright Directive have been concluded. There was a great deal of critic...
The European Parliament today voted in favour of an adaptation of online copyright. The guideline is controver...