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SAS Viya Workbench and App Factory promise rapid AI development

SAS Viya Workbench and App Factory promise rapid AI development

SAS unveiled Viya Workbench and App Factory at its Explore technology conference. With these, SAS aims to give users the tools to quickly build AI models and applications.

The future extensions will be part of Viya, the platform that SAS uses to support issues around data, AI and analytics. CTO Bryan Harris says the platform is constantly being adapted to the needs of data scientists and developers, with an eye toward greater productivity and faster innovation.

On-demand analytics

Viya Workbench is the lightweight development environment that quickly executes code in a cloud-native, efficient and secure manner. Users can build models in the environment by coding in the SAS language, but Python and R are also options. In addition, Viya Workbench will support the three clients, Jupyter Notebook, Visual Studio Code and SAS Enterprise Guide.

The App Factory, on the other hand, is designed as a development environment for custom, AI-driven applications. The tool enables the creation of React, TypeScript and Postgres apps. The setup and integration of a cloud-native tech stack is automated, SAS indicates, allowing developers to focus on building models and getting AI apps into production.

SAS also provides an example of how App Factory can work in practice. For example, the SAS Energy Forecasting Cloud uses App Factory to support planners and managers with models. They can use the models to predict peak power demand. It generates predictive insights into supply and demand to help utilities maintain stability and improve the cost picture.

Viya Workbench is currently available as a private preview. A general release is planned for early 2024. For App Factory, there is a planned availability in the first quarter of 2024 as well.

Tip: SAS puts three critical principles at the heart of AI and analytics