2 min Analytics

DataRobot announces improved integration with Tableau

DataRobot announces improved integration with Tableau

DataRobot informs Techzine about an improved integration with Tableau. The integration should make it even easier for data analysts to visualise predictions and comprehensive information in Tableau dashboards.

The new features enable Tableau’s customers to publish DataRobot’s predictions in a Tableau Data Source (TDS) that can be visualised along with other company data. The integration builds on DataRobot Insights, a Tableau extension launched last year. Furthermore, the integration eliminates the use of external tools or transition files when entering predictions into Tableau.

Business analysts gain access to complex data science without advanced training. This allows them to identify certain patterns that would previously go unnoticed, or, for example, to analyse the cause and effect of different variables on a predicted result.


“With the demand for AI far exceeding the capacity of available data scientists and hundreds of potential use cases for AI across every business, it’s critical that forward-thinking companies scale AI efforts by broadening the pool of users who can participate in AI initiatives,” said Adam Weinstein, Vice President, Product Management at DataRobot. “By giving Tableau users visibility to predictions and rich explanations, we’ve made it easier for users to not only get value out of AI but also trust the output of the models. By leveraging the combined power of DataRobot and Tableau, customers can drive positive and measurable impact on their business.”

Instead of having to build pipelines to write predictions to a database and query within Tableau, the integration makes predictions available, removing a pain point for analysts and thus streamlining their workflow.