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Box Shuttle makes moving data to cloud faster and cheaper

Box Shuttle makes moving data to cloud faster and cheaper

Box announced a new and improved Box Shuttle today, the company’s content migration service. It is designed to aid enterprises to move large amounts of content.

The update allows it to move permissions and metadata too, from legacy systems to the Box Content Cloud. All of this will happen faster and be easier than before while keeping the costs low.

What does Box do?

The Box Shuttle service was launched in 2016 and has been used by enterprises to easily access data migration tools used by Box’s consulting unit. The service covers:

  • Migration planning and analysis
  • Content analysis
  • Lifecycle assessment
  • Permission and attribute matching

With the new update, Box Shuttle can now migrate data from more sources that include OneDrive, Google Workspace, and SharePoint. This will use both cloud and on-premises connectors, according to the company.

Among the new additions, is the ability for companies to modify permissions as migration is undertaken. Box said that It allows any company to restructure without downtime. The service also gives users more visibility into the migration status of all pieces of content.

What the company says

Box CEO Aaron Levie said that 2020 demonstrated how important it is for businesses to modernize their processes and work in the cloud. He explains that the company wants to be as fast, simple, and cost-effective as possible.

That way, enterprises can retire legacy systems and work flexibly from the Box Content Cloud.

Box Shuttle can now migrate some of the most complex and large-scale content management environments at a lower cost and faster than ever before.