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Snowflake lets developers build and deploy applications on the Data Cloud

Snowflake lets developers build and deploy applications on the Data Cloud

Snowflake has released a new Native Application Framework that allows developers to build and deploy applications on the Data Cloud. It is also possible to combine this with a revenue model from the Snowflake Marketplace, so the developed application can also be monetised and used by third parties.

The Native Application Framework is currently in private preview, but it should greatly expand the possibilities of the platform. The applications that are built and then sold via the marketplace then run on the buyer’s Snowflake instances without the need to move data. The goal of the new framework is to provide customers and partners with the best platform for building data-intensive applications, according to Snowflake. They call the introduction of the framework a major milestone.

Read also: What is Snowflake? And why is it so valuable?

The Native Application Framework allows developers to build applications using stored procedures, user-defined functions (UDFs) and user-defined table functions (UDTFs). Streamlit can also be used to develop interactive interfaces. In addition, there are also telemetry features, such as events and alerts for monitoring. The big advantage for developers is that they can really focus on the development of the applications, they don’t have to worry about the operational part. The Snowflake Data Cloud platform comes with high availability, disaster recovery and the necessary security features.

According to Snowflake it is also becoming increasingly attractive for developers to market their applications via the Snowflake Marketplace. The company now has 6300 customers. They all use Snowflake and can easily tap into data and applications offered in the Marketplace.