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Google is using all its marketing tricks to tout its new AI model Gemini, up to and including staging its demo video. Based on benchmarks, the LLM still lags behind the offering from its biggest competitor, OpenAI.

Google is eager to show that its new AI model Gemini can be a formidable competitor to OpenAI’s GPT models. To this end, the tech giant is pulling out all the stops, including a well-received demo video and benchmarks intended to show that its AI model is currently the fastest and most capable on offer.

Marketing trick

However, an investigation by Bloomberg reveals that the demo video is essentially a marketing gimmick.

The video suggests that Google’s Gemini AI model has functionality that competitor models do not have. Yet it appears that the functionality presented can be easily replicated with OpenAI’s ChatGPT Plus model.

It also appears that the video has been modified in some ways. Google has since admitted to having done this in conversation with Bloomberg. These include reducing the delay and shortening the Gemini results for less time. This means that generating the answers took longer than what was shown in the video.

In addition, the video was not recorded in real-time. The video appears to be made of pictures of the model interaction and prompting via text. This is in line with the suggestion that in the video, a “human conversation” between the user and the AI model takes place in real-time.

Furthermore, the video would not specify that the Google Gemini Ultra model was used for the recordings. That model is not yet available.

Bloomberg not convinced

Furthermore, Bloomberg is also not entirely enamoured with the technical edge Google claims it has with its Gemini AI model over other providers, in particular OpenAI’s GPT-4. Further examination of the benchmarks leads the news outlet to conclude that Gemini is only marginally better than the well-known OpenAI model.

Ultimately, it concludes that Google is doing its best to convince everyone of the capabilities of its Gemini model, but it still lags behind OpenAI in technical terms.

Also read: Gemini vs. GPT-4: Google shows what a next-gen AI model offers