After more than 40 years, all end users of Microsoft Notepad will be able to apply spell check and autocorrect to their notes. The feature is currently being rolled out to all Windows 11 users.
40 years after the first release of Microsoft Notepad, all end users of the super lightweight but also quite limited note-taking tool will be able to spell-check and autocorrect their notes.
The added features ensure that words are underlined with red during the spell check. With a left click, users bring up a list of suggestions, or with a right-click; they see these suggestions in a separate menu. This is pretty much the same way the spell checker works in Microsoft Word. Autocorrect and spell check can be manually turned on or off as desired.
Other more comprehensive features have previously been implemented for Notepad, such as a dark mode and tabbed interface.
Gradual rollout
The new functionality for Notepad is being rolled out gradually to users of the tool on Windows 11. Notepad will soon be the only lightweight default word processor available for Windows 11. Starting with the Windows 11 24H2 release, WordPad will no longer be included by default.
Also read: WordPad no longer features in latest Windows Insider build