Ubuntu 18.04 was no longer supported in the latest version of Chrome. This was a conscious decision that Google is going to revisit due to complaints.
Chrome 128 was released last Wednesday. Developers quickly discovered that this version no longer supported Ubuntu Linux 18.04. Google allegedly deliberately removed support for the version of Ubuntu, also known as Bionic Beaver. This caused discontent among developers.
Ubuntu Linux 18.04 is in the extended support phase, which will continue for several more years until 2028. Developers unable to take advantage of the extended support were forced to switch to a newer version in May 2023.
Rolled back next week
Google now says it is responding to developer complaints. That’s according to The Register, which investigated the situation. “We acknowledge that this has caught some in the ecosystem by surprise and have decided to undo the change and maintain support for Ubuntu 18.04,” a Google spokesperson explained.
Support will return as early as next week. “We will publish a build next week that restores compatibility. We plan to discontinue support for 18.04 in the future, but will certainly provide additional notice prior to any changes.”
Also read: Chrome 128 gives trusted web apps access to USB ports