Google is bringing ‘search chips’ to Google Drive. Search chips allow search results to be narrowed down to locations, file types, processing dates, people, tasks and shared tags. Resultingly, queries are simplified.
The tech giant recently announced that ‘search chips’ has been extended to Google Drive. Since late last year, the functionality has been available in beta to all Google Workplace users, including G Suite Basic and Business users. Now, the functionality is generally available.
Search chips allow search results in Google Drive to be narrowed down based on location, file type, processing date, people, tasks and shared tags. These criteria appear below the search field after a search is performed. Upon selecting any of the criteria, refined search results appear.
Storage management
Search chips have been available in Gmail since 2020. Until now, Drive featured limited search filters, exclusively accessible via dropdown tabs in the search bar. Search chips clear up results and simplify data management.