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Git, the originator of the version control tool, has launched version 2.32 to improve the usability experience for developers who can continue working on their projects at a faster rate.

What you need to know about Git 2.32

Git commits –fixup=<commit> is now offering a new option to help developers who are prone to making typos fixup=(amend|reword):<commit>. These can be utilized to fix errors in the content and log message of the commit and also just the message. This has been a huge issue within the dev community previously.

The Git 2.32 also has the option trailer <key>[=<value>] for git commit, and the team is hoping that this will help facilitate work with custom trailers. These trailers are meant to enable developers the addition of computer-readable data to the commits. Using these, issues or people can be referenced.

Another update that has come along as part of the Git 2.32 version was the .<token>.cmd configuration variable, a new trailer. This will help developers receive user input to the command line more safely.


GIT_CONFIG_SYSTEM has replaced the GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM. The new configuration mechanism will let users specify the file that should read the system-wide configuration. In contrast, earlier, they told the programme not to go near the system-wide definitions.

Another configuration system, GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL, can be utilized to override per-user configurations within $HOME/.gitconfig.

Additional features

Gitweb has been newly fitted with an email privacy feature that redacts strings looking like email addresses. This measure ensured that users, by accident, do not make their personal email information widely available.

The developers at Git have also introduced an innovative strategy for packing repo objects more cost-effectively by adding the option: filter=object:type=<type> to their git rev-list. This will help certain kinds of objects not infiltrate within pack-object generated packfiles.

Other less obvious updates

The Git team has also updated the checkout machinery so that files can be written out parallel wherever possible. They also have improved code related to testing so that coverage can be enhanced. Git has continued their cleanup efforts regarding code and introduced the on-disk reverse-index, allowing developers to map out the in-pack location of a specific object back across packfiles to the object name.