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The new version aims to enhance UIs with a wide array of color support improvements

This week the team behind GNU Nano announced the release of version 6.0 of their text editor. GNU nano is a text editor for Unix-like computing systems or operating environments using a command line interface. It is viewed in the Linux community as a lightweight alternative to editors like Vim and Emacs.

The Register published what it claimed were the features deemed most notable by the project’s developers. Among these is a new toggling protocol. Option --zero hides the title bar, status bar and help lines, and uses all rows of the terminal as editing area. The title bar and status bar can be toggled with M-Z.

Colors can now be specified also as three-digit hexadecimal numbers, in the format #rgb. This picks from the 216 index colors (that most terminals know) the color that is nearest to the given values.

New color names to help design that UI

There are now fourteen new color names: rosy, beet, plum, sea, sky, slate, teal, sage, brown, ocher, sand, tawny, brick, and crimson.

Suspension is enabled by default, invokable with ^T^Z. The options -z, --suspendable, and ‘set suspendable’ are obsolete and ignored. If users want to be able to suspend nano with a single keystroke, they can put ‘bind ^Z suspend main’ in their nanorc.

When automatic hard-wrapping is in effect, pasting just a few words (without a line break) will now hard-wrap the line when needed. Toggling Append or Prepend clears the current filename. The word count as shown by M-D is now affected by option –wordbounds; with it, nano counts words as ‘wc’ does; without it (the new default), words are counted in a more human way: seeing punctuation as space. The YAML syntax file is now actually included in the tarball.