More than 90% of IT leaders feel open source tools are crucial to strong enterprise infrastructure.
According to the Red Hat survey, always-on services and cloud computing built utilizing the open-source development models along with open-source code are vital to almost every industry. According to most IT officers, they’re crucial to enterprise infrastructure.
What’s even more astonishing was that more than 80% of IT officers stated they would likely choose vendors contributing to open-source communities.
Enterprise Open-Source
As per the survey, three of the top-most uses for “Enterprise Open-Source (EOS)” were digital transformation, application development, and infrastructure modernization.
Closed source software, or proprietary software, is anticipated to diminish. However, EOS will increase and have a tremendous boost in developing areas, with over 78% of IT people expecting to grow its usage within machine learning, IoT, edge, and artificial intelligence.
Apart from that, security is also becoming an open-source advantage. For example, over 85% of IT folks said “Enterprise Open-Source (EOS)” is secure – perhaps more secure – compared to closed source software. This is a major shift around open-source software security after a decade.
Among the several benefits, one main advantage of open-source security was teams could utilize well-tested open-source for their in-house apps.
Here’s the key takeaway from the report: more businesses will come and bring additional products to the market depending upon open-source projects, mainly because the advantages are extensive and strategic.
More than 1200 IT leaders throughout the world participated in the survey, and to ensure reliability and credibility; IT people didn’t know Red Hat sponsored the entire survey.