ICN’s decentralized cloud challenges AWS

ICN’s decentralized cloud challenges AWS

The decentralized cloud looks to challenge superpowers AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. Impossible Cloud Network (ICN) is anticipating this with a testnet.

The testnet is intended to let users sample and tinker with the ICN cloud. By 2025, the “mainnet” should appear, rolling out the cloud on a Web3 basis.

Web3 revolves around a distributed online network in which there is no hyperscaler like AWS or Azure serving organizations. Some parties want to go even further, such as TBD’s initiative to launch Web5.

Read more: Web5 seeks to replace Web3: what is it?

AWS alternative

“Our testnet is designed to onboard a strong community that will help us build the next cloud leader, with a focus on driving enterprise adoption of web3,” said Kai Wawrzinek, co-founder of ICN. “By working with real clients on real projects and generating real revenue, we’re laying the foundation for something bigger – not tomorrow, but today. The mainnet is our ultimate goal, and the testnet is a step toward realizing our vision of becoming a decentralized alternative to AWS.”

The testnet is intended to deliver the platform in a stable and refined form by 2025 and respond to the actual needs of the IT world. Bug reports, feature testing and engagement will be rewarded with tokens for later use. ICN calls this a “FairDrop” mechanism. In essence, it is the decentralized equivalent of cloud credits.

Chance of success?

ICN’s approach is timely, if indeed it can be practical. After all, a decentralized cloud would distribute and leverage the immense pressure on resources wherever possible, without depending on specific cloud regions. Still, it is tricky to build an ecosystem that truly competes with AWS, Azure and Google Cloud in terms of features and ease of use.

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