Alexa for Business can now also book meeting rooms

Alexa for Business can now also book meeting rooms

Maybe you know the problem. If you’re looking for a meeting room, it turns out that one after the other is full. According to Amazon, it is a common problem in companies. And so it adds a new function to Alexa. Booking a space becomes a lot more streamlined.

According to Amazon, this is a common challenge: staff have to walk from room to room, looking for a meeting place. For this reason, Alexa for Business will now be given a new position. One of the most popular features available to the smart assistant is managing meeting equipment and scheduling meetings. These functions are now being expanded.

Easy booking

The booking function is added to Alexa. Users who link their calendar to Alexa and add read/write permissions to it can use it. They can ask Alexa, as soon as the link is made, if a room is available. Alexa then checks to see if that’s the case.

If a room is available, Alexa can be asked to book a room. However, if a room has already been booked by someone, the user can ask Alexa which colleague has booked the room. Apart from that, Amazon will soon be adding a Room Booking API to the functionality of Alexa. Customers can then use their voice to interact with existing booking tools. This is, by the way, a beta version.

Alexa for Business

Amazon launched Alexa for Business at the re:Invent conference last year. The office integration is a logical extension of voice assistant Alexa. It already dominates the consumer market for smart speakers and voice interfaces. At launch, Alexa for Business was already able to perform all kinds of tasks. This allowed her to look up events, manage schedules and set reminders. Alexa for Business also works with other tools, including solutions from Cisco, WebEx, Zoom, Polycom and BlueJeans.

This news article was automatically translated from Dutch to give a head start. All news articles after September 1, 2019 are written in native English and NOT translated. All our background stories are written in native English as well. For more information read our launch article.