Microsoft and Pivotal launch Azure Spring Cloud

Microsoft and Pivotal Software have made a new service called Azure Spring Cloud available as a private preview. This fully managed and production-ready Azure cloud service can be used to build scalable microservices without having to think about the supporting IT infrastructure.

The service is built on top of the Spring Boot framework, where microservices-based applications can be developed. Spring Boot is a simplified version of the Spring Framework of Pivotal Software to build Java-based microservices.

Azure Spring Cloud combines everything to create a complete runtime for microservices built using Spring Boot, writes Silicon Angle. This allows developers to get their apps up and running quickly with as little effort as possible.

Azure Spring Cloud contains important tools and frameworks needed to add features such as a service registry, client-side load balancing and circuit-breakers. Also included is kpack, which is a set of resource controllers for Kubernetes. The service is fully integrated with the Azure Kubernetes Service as well.


Azure Spring Cloud comes with several advantages. For example, it simplifies the many tasks associated with building cloud-native applications running on Kubernetes. It is also possible to integrate applications with existing Azure services, such as Azure Database for MySQl, Azure Cache for Redis and CosmosDB.

Developers can also use Azure Monitor to gain insights into the state of health and performance of their applications. Azure Monitor allows developers to diagnose potential problems. It also provides more informative data on how end users use the applications.

Attracting developers

Microsoft hopes that it will attract more developers with Azure Spring Cloud, to use its Azure Cloud infrastructure. By integrating this with a popular platform like Spring, the company hopes to attract the attention of enterprises that build apps in the Pivotal Software ecosystem.

Azure Spring Cloud is now only available as a private preview. The preview is launched in Azure West Europe, Azure East US, Azure West US 2 and Azure Southeast Asia.