Oracle is aiming to have 36 cloud regions by mid-2021

Oracle is aiming to have 36 cloud regions by mid-2021

Oracle is expanding its cloud regions. With the upcoming brexit more regions in the UK are added. They just launched a dual-region government cloud in Wales and London to support the UK government services. The move comes as the UK is ramping up infrastructure projects.

The new Oracle offering is designed to be used exclusively by the UK’s public sector and includes Oracle’s portfolio the autonomous date warehouse, cloud apps, Kubernetes, and VMware tools.

Oracle Cloud has expansion plans that include regulated and government services and autonomous cloud products. The two regions Oracle is now adding in the UK are the 27th and 28th for the company as it plans to have 36 overall by mid-2021.

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Adhering to the rules

The plan was revealed by Scott Twaddle, the VP of Oracle Cloud infrastructure. He continues to say that this is part of its strategy to build two regions in each of the countries that Oracle operates.

The company meets data sovereignty and security requirements in the UK, which Scott is proud of. He added that the regions are staffed with UK residents who have the security clearance to work in these places.

A growing Oracle

Using two separate sites in London and Wales, connected by Oracle’s private network, the company aims to balance disaster recovery among independent regions while still meeting the regulations required of them.

The threat analysis conducted looked at places that do not face the same threat vectors. The company examined power grids, natural disasters, and geopolitical risks before picking the sites.

Oracle says that the dual-region cloud was designed in conjunction with the UK government and defence ministries.

Tip: Oracle expands next generation cloud in Europe