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Linux chief Linus Torvalds has warned contributors that the project’s development cycle will clash with Christmas. Developers are advised to have their work ready prior to the holidays.

The warning was included in Torvalds’ weekly development update, where he also announced the release candidate for Linux version 6.1. In contrast to what he had anticipated, work on the Kernel did not slow down over the Thanksgiving holiday.

“The end of the week was the usual ‘people send me their stuff on Friday’, and the weekend hardly slowed people down”, Torvalds said, adding that there was “just a bit more than I’m comfortable with. It should just have slowed down more by now.”

The two-week merging window during which the developers need to submit the code for the following cut of the kernel “will be solidly in the holiday season”, he continued. “I want to see all that work in the pull requests having been done *before* the festivities, not while you’re imbibing your eggnog and just generally being stressed out about the season.”

Linux 6.1 timeline

According to that request, rc8 should be released next Sunday. Version 6.1 is expected one week later. Then, on Christmas Day, the merging window would close.

Although Torvalds works on most Sundays, he’s unlikely to have enough time, desire or capacity to think about the project on Christmas. The same goes for most Linux contributors.

Tip: Stable version of Linux 6.0 is generally available