Cloudflare introduces tools to keep data within borders

Cloudflare introduces tools to keep data within borders

Cloudflare has unveiled the Data Localisation Suite. The service is intended to help companies comply with legislation in countries where it is forbidden to store personal data across borders.

Customers of Cloudflare can use the service to indicate where they want their data to be encrypted, decrypted and inspected, ZDNet writes. The location of the private keystore can also be controlled.

Until now, the problem with data sovereignty could only be solved by setting up a data centre in each country, says Raymond Maisano, head of Cloudflare in Australia. This is not feasible for many companies.

200 locations

“The great advantage of Cloudflare is we’re in 200 points of presence around the world. We have facilities in so many of those countries, and this is really about giving our customers the tools to now be able to leverage those privacy controls and give them the ability to align to the government policy that states citizen data shouldn’t leave”, he says.

The new functionality complements existing possibilities to control the location of data. With Cloudflare, users could already prevent their data from being sent through specific countries.

Tip: Cloudflare launches API Shield to protect users against attacks