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During the Covid-19 pandemic, the burden on personal privacy increased considerably. To prevent the spread of the virus, people had to share personal information and became more dependent on digital communication.

This emerged from a study conducted by Cisco among 4400 security experts in 25 different countries. The company also looked at the attitude of the experts towards additional legislation in the field of privacy. The rise of measuring privacy and reporting the results was also investigated. According to Cisco, consumers and the general public are increasingly concerned about the use of their personal data.

Not ready for privacy demands

Cisco also published some figures on the shift to working from home. These show that 60 percent of the organisations said that they were not yet ready for the privacy and security requirements that proved too much of a factor when working from home. To solve these problems, 93 percent of organisations turned to their own privacy teams.

Contact tracing

Health information in particular is a tricky topic. With 57 percent, more than half of the employees support the use of health data by employers to make a workplace safer. However, less than half feel comfortable sharing information about their location, their contacts and other data to perform contact tracing.

Key role for privacy

Cisco expects privacy and cybersecurity to play a key role in recovering from the corona crisis. Challenges in this regard include how governments, companies and citizens collect, manage and protect personal data. The company believes that a balance must be found between individual rights and the general interest.

Fundamental human right

“Privacy has come of age – recognized as a fundamental human right and rising to a mission-critical priority for executive management,” noted Cisco Vice President and Chief Privacy Officer, Harvey Jang. “And with the accelerated move to work from anywhere, privacy has taken on greater importance in driving digitization, corporate resiliency, agility, and innovation.”

Tip: Working from home makes employees more productive