2 min Security

Cybersecurity experts suffer from a considerable amount of work stress

Cybersecurity experts suffer from a considerable amount of work stress

Cybersecurity experts suffer excessively from work stress and overtime, according to a recent British survey of working conditions. Despite this, they do feel very satisfied with their career prospects.

The 2022/2023 State of the Profession survey by the British Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec) found that security specialists are still relatively often burdened by work stress.

Half of the professionals surveyed said they experience stress because of the day-to-day tasks and the amount of work they have to cope with. Nearly a quarter work 48 hours or more. Eight percent even work more than 55 hours weekly.

One-third of respondents said they are afraid of facing a cyberattack and therefore lie awake at night. They also worry that the current economic conditions are fueling a growth in cyber attacks and that small businesses in particular will often become victims.

Low salary main reason for leaving

A low salary is further the main reason for most experts surveyed to change jobs or employers. In addition, experts also change jobs or employers because of lack of growth prospects, poor work environments, poor or ineffective management and boring or repetitive work.

Despite all these downsides, most cybersecurity experts still see plenty of career prospects for the future. A very large majority, 80 percent of the total, indicate that they have excellent career prospects. They also indicate that the industry sector in which they work is growing substantially or is “booming.

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