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Working from home makes employees more productive

Working from home makes employees more productive

New research conducted by Lenovo found that employees feel more productive and connected while working from home. 

The study, completed in the second week of May 2020, consisted of 20,262 adults (all employed) in 10 markets including the US, India, Brazil, Mexico, the UK, France, Germany, China, Italy, and Japan. 

Technology and the Evolving World of Work

The study by Lenovo titled “Technology and the Evolving World of Work,” highlights the physical, emotional, and financial downsides to working from home.

The pandemic has forced more employees to work from home and many experts believe the trend will continue even once things get back to normal. Employees tend to feel more connected to their computers, laptops, or devices they use to perform the job from home. 

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The Survey

It found that about 85 percent of employees feel more dependent on their computers for their work. Despite this, about 63 percent feel more productive when they get to work from home.

According to the survey, about 40 percent of the respondents fully or partially invested in tech upgrades to be able to work from home. 

The average American spent about $348 to improve or upgrade their technology to meet the growing demands of their job. Comparatively, the global figure is $273 – $70 less than the US average.

Not without pains

Working from home has its challenges. About 71% of respondents complained of worsening or new conditions, including body ache, poor sleeping patterns and headaches.

In addition to this, reduced social connection is another issue respondents face while working from home. Some also have trouble concentrating on work due to distractions.

Lenovo’s VP of global user and customer experience, Dilip Bhatia, believes this data can help companies improve how they assign tasks.

“This data gave us valuable insights on the complex relationship employees have with technology as work and personal are becoming more intertwined with the increase in working from home.”

Bhatia added, “We’re using these takeaways to improve the development of our smart technology and better empower remote workers of tomorrow.”

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