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Hydrolix Launches Spark Connector for Faster Databricks Analytics

Hydrolix Launches Spark Connector for Faster Databricks Analytics

Hydrolix is launching a new Apache Spark connector that helps Databricks users gain insights from their event data faster and more cost-effectively. The connector allows users to analyze large amounts of event data without sampling or retention period limitations.

The new connector was created to combine Databricks’ analytical capabilities with the benefits of the Hydrolix streaming data lake platform. For organizations that generate massive amounts of telemetry data daily, this offers new opportunities to gain valuable insights from their data.

Full integration with Databricks

The Hydrolix Spark Connector integrates seamlessly with Databricks’ Data Intelligence Platform. It allows users to run queries directly on their event data for data science, business intelligence, and machine learning purposes. The connector allows for the replacement of existing data infrastructure without modifying other systems.

The new connector allows organizations to analyze complex data sets for various use cases, including inventory forecasting, capacity planning and fraud detection. The technology uses Hydrolix summary tables for real-time summaries in Databricks, simplifying data engineering work.