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Facebook AI tracks 900 million fake accounts in 2 years

Facebook AI tracks 900 million fake accounts in 2 years

With over two and a half billion users, Facebook has a lot of work to do in tracking down fake accounts. These accounts are used to push pages or promote content. Facebook’s advanced AI makes the task of tracking down fake accounts a little easier, as the program has tracked down hundreds of millions of fake accounts in the past two years.

Facebook‘s so-called Deep Entity Classification system (DEC) analyses more than twenty thousand individual recognition points that the social network itself describes as ‘deep features’. It not only looks at the activities of the ‘user’, but also at the pages, groups and fellow users with which an account associates.

According to Facebook, the large number of points that DEC focuses on is the reason that the AI is significantly more advanced than other AI detection tools. With more than 20,000 components, it becomes difficult for spam accounts to stay under the radar without having to make significantly more effort to go unnoticed.

According to Facebook, the use of DEC has resulted in more than a quarter less active fake accounts being used. First that percentage would be more than five percent of the monthly active users, now it is just under four.