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Update button in Windows 10 provides experimental updates

Update button in Windows 10 provides experimental updates

If you regularly click on the Windows Update button in the settings menu, you will label Microsoft as a tester who would like to test updates early. This also means experimental updates that are labeled as validated, production-quality optional releases.

Anyone enrolling in the Windows Insider program knows in advance that they will receive experimental updates and Windows 10 versions. You can choose between the Fast Ring and Slow Ring, depending on how ambitious and experimental you are.

However, Microsoft also labels people as testers when they press the Windows Update button. That’s what Michael Fontin, Corporate Vice President of Windows wrote last week in a blog post. Clicking on it will mark it as an advanced user who wants to test early versions of Windows 10 patches.

Update button

Clicking the update button is eligible for optional updates in the third and fourth week of the month. At Microsoft, these updates are known as the C and D release. These are validated, production-quality optional updates aimed at commercial customers and advanced users looking for updates. These updates contain only improvements that are not security-related.

The purpose of these updates is to create a test phase up to Patch Tuesday (so-called B-update) when the updates are rolled out to the general public.

Conclusion: clicking the update button from time to time increases the risk of updates that may contain errors. The advice to everyone to stay up-to-date by occasionally clicking on that button, is now strongly discouraged. Microsoft ensures that Windows 10 automatically installs updates on your PC. Clicking the button specifically means for the software giant that you know what you’re doing, and can therefore test experimental updates.

Hereby we already have a first good intention for 2019: stay away from the update button. Unless you like to be a guinea pig from Microsoft for Windows 10.

Related: Windows 10 October 2018 Update: 6 functions to try right away

This news article was automatically translated from Dutch to give Techzine.eu a head start. All news articles after September 1, 2019 are written in native English and NOT translated. All our background stories are written in native English as well. For more information read our launch article.