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Citrix research: working outside the office leads to a happier life

Citrix research: working outside the office leads to a happier life

Citrix research shows that Dutch office workers are increasingly working outside their offices. Moreover, employees who work remotely indicate that they are happier and more productive.

Of the 66.5 percent of Dutch office workers who do not use the same workplace every day, more than half have increasingly gone outside the office environment in the past two years. Only 10.3 percent more can be found in the office, Citrix reports in a press release.

Further results of the survey indicate that more than half of the employees (55.7 percent) feel encouraged by their manager to work outside the office. 84.6 percent of employees report that they receive good technical support to work outside the office. However, more than half of the employees report that they have a less fixed life expectancy, but this is only a problem for 15 percent. However, working outside working hours is seen as undesirable by the majority of the employees surveyed.

Holidays not sacred to everyone

Furthermore, the study indicates that the flexibility of employees during holidays decreases significantly. More than three-quarters of employees are completely inaccessible to customers during their holidays. For colleagues, more than half make an exception, but only 9.2 percent of the respondents respond to e-mails on a regular basis. The results indicate that work-related activities during holidays are not taboo, but are put on the back burner.

A large part of the top managers (40 percent) indicate that they do pay attention to facilities such as WiFi when booking holidays, in order to maintain the necessary contact with the work floor during their holidays. The same number of top managers consider it normal to take work with them on holiday, if necessary.

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