Microsoft and VMware make Azure Spring Cloud generally available

Microsoft and VMware make Azure Spring Cloud generally available

Microsoft and VMware have made their joint Azure Spring Cloud solution generally available. With this cloud solution, developers can also use the Spring Boot framework for their applications from the public cloud.

With this managed version of Spring Boot, a product of Pivotal, acquired by VMware last year, developers have access to a fully managed service in the public cloud. Microsoft delivers the solution from its public cloud and VMware adds support for it.

Azure Spring Cloud capabilities

Azure Spring Cloud offers various tools and services for Spring boot development of Java-based microservices and applications. These include registry, client-side load balancing and circuit breakers. The main purpose of these tools is to make application development easier.

In addition, Azure Spring Cloud offers services such as kpack. This is an open-source Kubernetes-native building tool for automatically creating and updating container images on Kubernetes with Cloud Native Buildpacks. Kpack forms the basis of VMwate Tanzu Build. The Azure Spring Cloud platform is built on top of Microsoft’s Azure Kubernetes Service.

Other functionality

Another feature of Spring boot that developers can take advantage of through Azure is the more distributed tracing that allows them to quickly detect and fix problems in their applications.

Azure Spring Cloud also gives users access to various other applications from Microsoft’s public cloud. These include Azure Active Directory and CosmosDB. Microsoft also offers the Spring Starters tools that helps to automatically configure the aforementioned and other Azure services.

Integration with DevOps tooling

Furthermore, Azure Spring Cloud allows developers to automate their CI/CD pipelines with the DevOps tools they want to use themselves. There are also integrations with Microsoft Azure DevOps and the open source Jenkins project, according to Microsoft and VMware.

Tip: Will VMware Tanzu be the leading Kubernetes management solution?