Calling between Slack and Teams should become an option in the future

Calling between Slack and Teams should become an option in the future

Compatibility between two communications services provided by Microsoft itself, namely Skype and Teams, was already announced at the beginning of March this year. Users should become able to chat with users of the other service. In the future, there should also be the possibility of a competing service, namely Slack.

Slack‘s CEO, Steward Butterfield, announced the plans for compatibility during a conversation with CNBC. This would mainly concern the possibility to call users of the other service, in addition to the option to use other Microsoft services. For example, Slack already works with SharePoint, Outlook and OneDrive.

No time pressure

There is no release date for compatibility yet, only the announcement that it should come in the future. Given the current increase in the number of users of both services (due to the increased homeworking by people in response to the corona virus outbreak), it would undoubtedly become a focal point.

Slack has seen a significant increase in the number of users of the communication service in recent months, but has not recently come up with an actual number of users. In October, the company believed to provide its service to some twelve million users every day. By way of comparison: a week ago, Teams announced that it had tapped the 44 million daily users. That while Microsoft’s service was launched two years after the release of Slack (in 2014).