Amazon adds improved “Intelligent Tiering” to its storage services

Amazon adds improved “Intelligent Tiering” to its storage services

New storage class now supports automatic data archiving.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced this week that it was adding a new storage class to its Simple Storage Service (S3) offering. The new service is an enhacement to the company’s standard Intelligent Tiering functionality.

The S3 Intelligence-Tiering feature allows customers to automatically move a company’s records to the most appropriate storage class in order to optimize costs.

Amazon made the announcement among others at the AWS Storage Day 2020 event.

How Intelligent-Tiering delivers concrete cost savings

Marcia Villalba, a senior developer advocate at AWS, detailed the improvements in a blog post this week. “Today we are launching two new optimizations for S3 Intelligent-Tiering that will automatically archive objects that are rarely accessed,” she wrote.

“These new optimizations will reduce the amount of manual work you need to do to archive objects with unpredictable access patterns and that are not accessed for months at a time.”

Already customers of S3 Intelligent-Tiering have realised cost savings up to 40%, according to Villalba. In addition, using the new archive access tiers customers can reduce storage costs up to 95% for rarely accessed objects.

Also read: AWS emphasises the importance of a Well Architected Framework

Additional new features announced

AWS has lowered the price of the EBS Cold HDD storage class in its Elastic Block Store service by 40%. EBS Cold HDD supports Hadoop clusters, log processing workloads and other big data applications.

Administrators often need to move data between two different storage classes when workload requirements change. This is now easier thanks to an update to AWS’ DataSync service. Admins can now leverage DataSync to transfer records between Amazon S3, EBS and Amazon FSx for Windows File Server. 

Another service that received an update today is AWS Backup. Customers can now use AWS Backup to create scheduled, policy-driven backup plans for their Amazon FSx file systems.

The backups take advantage of Amazon FSx’s existing backup functionality. Admins can use them for Amazon FSx for Windows File Server and persistent Amazon FSx for Lustre file systems.