2 min

Google Cloud presented a beta version of Memorystore for Memcached. This is a completely managed service for in-memory datastore based on the open-source Memcached protocol.

According to the public cloud environment, the in-memory datastore service, now launched in beta, is an addition to its already existing Memorystore portfolio. This portfolio now consists of the tools Redis and Memcached.

The Redis tool is often used by developers for work such as session stores, gaming leaderboards, stream analytics, threat detection and API rate limiting. Memcached is often used as a caching layer for databases. In addition, this specific tool can also be used as a session store.


Developers can now use the managed service Memorystore for Memcached, developed by Google Cloud, to migrate all applications using that protocol to the public cloud platform and the Memorystore platform. Google handles all routine tasks, such as monitoring and patching.

Using detailed measurement data – which are displayed in Google Cloud’s central monitoring dashboard Cloud Monitoring and the Cloud Console – it is possible to use the service to scale up or down memory settings. This depends on how developers want to use the managed service for different use cases. This goes up to 5 TB of memory per instance.

Memorystore for Memcached is suitable for applications running on Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), App Engine Flex, App Engine Standard and Cloud Functions.

Other Memcached Initiatives

Google Cloud is, of course, not the only public cloud environment that is in the process of rolling out services for the Memcached protocol. AWS also offers an equivalent service: ElastiCache for Memcached.

Of course, there are also more specialised startups that are working on this. These are, for example, MemCachier or Redis Labs that offer this kind of managed in-memory store services. Redis Labs even offers a managed service that runs on all three major public cloud environments, Azure, AWS and Google Cloud.